Last week at 1 Million Cups we heard from Bill Burgess, co-founder of the startup Simply Made Apps. The startup was created when one of the co-founders had a problem with the in/out software his company used to track employees, and joked “we could write a better app in a weekend.” So, they did. Together, Burgess and his friend Brandon Medenwald created a digital in/out board app called Simple In/Out that is currently used by thousands of organizations.

Greg Tehven (left) and Bill Burgess (right)
The process for developing this prototype, as well as the down-to-earth feel of this small, four-member company, is illustrated in the website’s description: “We locked ourselves away for 48 hours, drank more coffee than we care to remember, watched an entire season of Futurama and built the prototype for what would become Simple In/Out.”
Although Simple In/Out is used worldwide, it was called to attention during the questions and answers last week that there are currently no Fargo employers using the app. This could very well have changed since that time, as the attendees were eager to ask questions and the response to the app was very positive.
Be sure to join us this Wednesday, October 15, to hear a presentation by Edie Ramsted from Weave Got Maille. Don’t forget your mug!