One Million Cups

WalkSmart: how three friends are bringing the personalized data revolution to physical therapy

Healthy walking habits have repeatedly been shown to improve both physical and mental health-related quality of life. So when both of their grandmothers fell around the same time and were forced to rely on walking…

'Not' like the rest: Fergus Falls company makes snacks for everybody

For Rob Fuglie, inventor of Nots! Snacks, the recipe for success starts with four simple ingredients and a severe food allergy. Fuglie’s young son suffers from anaphylaxis, a serious allergic to reaction…

Fargo brewer Chris Anderson is crafting the future of malt production

In 2015, the craft beer industry brought in more than $22 billion– a 16% growth in sales from the year prior. Small breweries are big business nowadays, and few know the business…

Edfiniti: how Fargo teachers are changing the culture of schools

In today’s special education classrooms, the method of monitoring and intervening in problematic behaviors is still predominantly paper-and-pencil. It is subjective, inconsistent, and time-consuming– making it all-too easy for students to slip through the cracks.…

South Dakota startup helping elderly population live with ease

Travis Kiefer likes to do things a little differently. Upon graduating from Groton High School in 2006, he enrolled at Stanford and became the first from his small-town South Dakota school to get…

Fargo Game Jam winners to speak at 1 Million Cups

At Fargo Game Jam 2016, five teams had thirty hours, spread over the course of three days, to create a video game that related to at least one of two themes:…

Fargo startup launches rTown: a mobile app for small towns

When the city of Wahpeton approached Ray Berry and his team at OmniByte Technology about building a custom mobile app for their community, they fell into a familiar predicament. The…

MCP Networks launches beta of home network solution Aerez

When Marc Perea woke one night to grab a drink of water, he was greeted by a familiar melody, a faint blue glow, and the sound of fingers click-clacking on a…

Local students introduce Webblen, a new social media manager

Mukai Selekwa has become somewhat of a poster child for the Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!). The program, which was developed at the University of Rochester in 2004, teaches high school students how to start and run…

New game in Fargo brings technology to horse-racing

When investor Paul Singh came through Fargo in mid-June, he, a man who’s heard thousands of pitches for startup ideas from around the world, noted that founders should “find the…