Cogi 2Based in California but partnered with North Dakota State University’s Technology Park, the innovative note-taking application Cogi is continuing a revamp of its niche market. Recently, developments have been spurred by third party reviews, including Lifehacker’s decision to rank it as the best voice recording app for Android.

Following the well-known website’s high praise, Cogi’s popularity increased significantly. The app’s CEO, Mark Cromack, claims the response from the article pushed the app to a ranking of seventh for call recording applications and 22nd for note-taking apps, all according to Google Play ranking systems.

Thanks to a grant from the NDSU Tech Park, Mark and his team have strong ties with Fargo. Having been previously featured on Emerging Prairie this year, the organization as a whole is clearly continuing its differentiation in ways users find valuable.

Check out the app for Android and now for iOS as well!

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Matt Gantz