Sorry T.S Eliot, but May is definitely ending with a bang.

In fact, looking back, the whole month has been pretty noisy. Within the first week we announced that state funding for entrepreneurs in North Dakota was at $3.2 million, a million dollars more than the past 2 years and a shining illustration that the state believes in its entrepreneurs.

This month also saw the long-anticipated launch of Uber, the rideshare app that has become a global phenomenon, right here in Fargo. Through the efforts of local Fagoan Joe Burgum, Uber’s general manager of North Dakota expansion Sagar Shah, and legislators like Senator Jon Casper, Uber officially launched in Fargo on Thursday, May 13, 2015 –  making North Dakota the first state with pre-established legislation prior to Uber’s launch.


Of course, the launch of Uber was accompanied by much Fargo-style festivity, and the energy hasn’t worn off. More exciting events followed for us here at Emerging Prairie, with the addition of a bright new team member Annie Wood, our new Program Director – as well as the addition of our two summer interns, Liv Stromme and Bri Lee. They rock.Jake Joraanstad Horizon Award

The community is showing it believes in entrepreneurship, too. Myriad Mobile co-founders  received the Horizon Award, one of the highest awards given to NDSU alumni, for their progress and dedication to building their company.

We went behind-the-scenes with the Economic Development Corporation to show how they too are working hard to bolster the startup scene – in ways like the techie lunch organized by John Machacek, where tech entrepreneurs shared ideas and spoke of starting new events that would energize the tech community.

Last week, at Arthur Ventures’ annual event, over 800 people showed up to learn more about what it means to be an entrepreneur, and how to build a positive company culture within that ecosystem. That same day and the next, hundreds gathered for Myriad Mobile’s annual Midwest Mobile Summit, one of the biggest mobile focused conferences in the nation.

This past weekend, another eclectic group is hit Fargo’s streets for the annual Misfit Con, an annual conference that brings in the most interesting people you can think of from all over the world. And they choose Fargo to host this event, every year, because of the sense of community here.Misfit logo

Bang! May is wrapping up beautifully.

But maybe you’re getting tired of hearing how great Fargo is. I know I write this kind of stuff all the time, and am often asked: “Don’t you think you’ll run out of content?”

But the fact is, people keep showing up, and people keep doing cool stuff.

Take Amanda McKinnon for instance, second place winner of Women’s Startup Weekend, who is now starting a program called MisFix to train women in troubleshooting. Or Fargo 3D Printing, who just launched a bio-based 3D printing spool that is the first of its kind.


There’s energy, and there’s movement. And so long as that continues, these Month In Review’s are a pleasure to write; satisfying to see what we have accomplished, and energizing to imagine what’s next.

Bring it, June!

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Marisa Jackels