Lindsay Breuler

Producing an Innovative Workforce.

Written By: Dr. David Wells The most persistent problem identified in the wide spectrum of challenges for our economy is workforce  —  availability of enough people with the right skill…

The Professor of Innovation? We think so. Welcome Guest Writer, Dr. David Wells.

What is innovation and how can we foster innovation in ourselves as well as our workplace? Dr. David Wells, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Professor has an answer. With 26 years…

Meet America's Youngest Business Dean and Our New Guest Writer.

During the summer heat of June 2016, Dr. Scott Beaulier became America’s youngest business dean at North Dakota State University after a year-long search. Beaulier came to NDSU with nearly…

Help Us Welcome, Brent McNeal Our New Guest Writer.

The Emerging Prairie team is thrilled to have Brent McNeal as a guest writer who will be helping us tell the stories of our 1 Million Cups Fargo speakers each week.…

3 Days With 3,000+ Drones Enthusiasts

The second annual InterDrone conference was held from September 7-9 in Las Vegas. Well over 3,000 people participated in the event, with attendees from all 50 states and 56 countries.…

Vegas, Tigers, and Drones, Oh My!

Things that Fly. My baptism into the drone industry has been as fast and furious as the XDC drone racing circuit and, I must say, it is quite the wild…