1 Million Cups Fargo: Where Are They Now? Peter Chamberlain with WalkWise

We reached out to past 1 Million Cups Fargo speakers to reconnect with them on their time since speaking at 1 Million Cups. When 1 Million Cups began in Fargo, this event took off and was a primary way for entrepreneurs to expand their connections while also collaborating with others. After six years of consecutive gatherings, 1 Million Cups concluded their time in Fargo, although you can still tune in to 1 Million Cups events across various cities in the country. Shortly after 1 Million Cups left Fargo, Emerging Prairie had the idea to curate StartupBREW Fargo, which is what we know today! Read about Peter Chamberlains journey with Walkwise after 1 Million Cups Fargo! 



The Transition from 1 Million Cups Fargo to StartupBREW Fargo

1 Million Cups was formed by the Kaufmann Foundation; a Kansas City, MO based non-profit that focused on education and entrepreneurship. The idea was to familiarize the communities where 1 Million Cups was chaptered with local entrepreneurs, as the individuals of the Kaufmann Foundation thought that there were not many networking opportunities for entrepreneurs and a place to share their accomplishments. When 1 Million Cups was brought to Fargo, they met weekly and eventually after six years of consistent efforts, 1 Million Cups wrapped up their time in Fargo in 2021. Shortly after, Emerging Prairie announced the launch of an event that we all now know and dearly love, StartupBREW Fargo! StartupBREW is a weekly event hosted by Emerging Prairie that focuses on engaging entrepreneurs and connecting them with the Fargo/Moorhead area, as well as fueling the minds of aspiring entrepreneurs or any member of the community interested in entrepreneurship.



About Walkwise

WalkWise is an innovative health technology company dedicated to enhancing the safety and independence of seniors who use walkers. The inspiration for WalkWise came from the founder’s realization that fitness and activity data, similar to that provided by smartwatches, could be incredibly beneficial for families of seniors. However, many seniors are reluctant to wear smartwatches, leading to the idea of integrating smart technology directly into the walkers they already use.

WalkWise’s smart walker attachment monitors walker usage and provides real-time data and alerts to caregivers through a mobile app. This system not only tracks fitness and activity but also detects potential health issues, such as screening for urinary tract infections based on nighttime activity patterns. The notification system alerts families and caregivers about prolonged inactivity and walker tips, helping to prevent falls and improve overall safety.



What has been the biggest success of your journey since speaking at 1 Million Cups Fargo?

“We were the first ND company to participate in a major tech accelerator program (Techstars), and we have raised over $2M since then!”


What is something beneficial that you were able to take away from speaking at 1 Million Cups Fargo?

“I was starting from scratch when I spoke at 1 Million Cups Fargo. I was brand new to North Dakota and didn’t know a soul for 4 hours in any direction. EP gave me that community and helped me build relationships that still persist to this day.”


Do you have any advice for future entrepreneurs?

“Solve something you are passionate about but don’t take yourself too seriously. Being personally invested in your venture is crucial, but there is more to life than your company/idea. Sometimes things don’t work out how you want them to, but as long as you are open and honest during your journey, everyone knows the risks of starting something new. You are not only your company

What are you currently accomplishing within your organization, any wins?

“We just got a HUGE win: reimbursement by Medicare. Now we’re on a mission to get the word out to senior care organizations who can benefit from WalkWise while bringing in a little more revenue as well.


What can our community continue to do to help energize your organization?

“Fargo doesn’t have a huge healthcare innovation scene, but I’m hoping to help change that! I’d love to connect with more local healthcare professionals and leaders who want to drive innovation. Connecting with these people will help us entrepreneurs design better products for them!”



What are you grateful for today?

“I am extremely grateful for our business and political leaders who are making tech entrepreneurship possible in ND. It takes a village to create the kind of momentum we have at the moment, and it’s because of them I can do what I do. EP is a massive part of that.”



Readers can learn more about Peter Chamberlain and Walkwise by visiting his LinkedIn page or the WalkWise website!


Carly Pfennig

Carly Pfennig is from Bismarck, North Dakota currently studying at Minnesota State University of Moorhead for both Communications and Marketing. Carly is very passionate about forming connections within both the community as well as being the helping hand for people in need!